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Anthony A. - MI

Soulful Journeys of Women was such an impactful, inspiring, and informative experience! It was as if I was actually sitting in the room with Harriet Tubman and Ida B. Wells, two great African-American women who have made our nation a much better place! What a family-friendly and fun performing arts experience! I learned information about famous African-American heroines, such as Harriet Tubman and Ida B. Wells, that I never previously knew. I look forward to seeing future performances of all of their featured Black female figures and American leaders!

Carri G. - IN

It's great to be able to put on events that are so vital to our mission and values as an institution, especially during this time of upheaval with our leadership. It reminds us why we are here and helps us to build and strengthen community. In addition to being educational and inspirational, it was fun - and fun is so often missing from programs meant for adults in the library space!

 Rosalind D. - IL

I enjoy the work that obviously was put into the presentation. The devotion and dedication showed as I was listening to the actual documented conversation. The two actresses were dressing the part and fully getting into character. Thank you for knowing Black history is important!

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